Imp Zone Game Club


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Arch Nemesis

Arch Nemesis



Beat the Japanese Version
Ninja Gaiden 3: The Ancient Ship of Doom
NES (1991)

Ending with Shiori Fujisaki
Tokimeki Memorial: Densetsu no Ki no Shita de
Super Famicom (1996)

Ending with Yuina Himoo
Tokimeki Memorial: Densetsu no Ki no Shita de
Super Famicom (1996)

Ending with Yumi Saotome
Tokimeki Memorial: Densetsu no Ki no Shita de
Super Famicom (1996)

Ending with Miharu Tatebayashi
Tokimeki Memorial: Densetsu no Ki no Shita de
Super Famicom (1996)

Ending with Rei Ijuin
Tokimeki Memorial: Densetsu no Ki no Shita de
Super Famicom (1996)

Kissless, Hugless, Hand-Holdless Virgin for Life
Tokimeki Memorial: Densetsu no Ki no Shita de
Super Famicom (1996)

Beat "Birth" Mode (clear the game once)
Astro Boy: Omega Factor
Gameboy Advance (2004)

Beat "ReBirth" Mode (clear the game a second)
Astro Boy: Omega Factor
Gameboy Advance (2004)

Beat the NES game
Metal Gear
MSX/NES/PS2 (1987)

Escape the final sequence without cigarettes
Metal Gear
MSX/NES/PS2 (1987)

Beat the game
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
MSX2/PS2 (1990)

Find the Hidden Tape
Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake
MSX2/PS2 (1990)

Beat the Game
Metal Gear Solid
PlayStation (1998)

Save Meryl
Metal Gear Solid
PlayStation (1998)

Beat the game
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
XBOX360/PS3 (2013)

Beat any of the text adventures
Text Adventures
PC (1998-2016)

Beat all four text adventures
Text Adventures
PC (1998-2016)

Beat the first lake
Bassin's Black Bass with Hank Parker
SNES (1994)

Beat all four lakes
Bassin's Black Bass with Hank Parker
SNES (1994)

Get the IZGC's highest weight total for the first lake
Bassin's Black Bass with Hank Parker
SNES (1994)

Beat the game as Rue
Threads of Fate
PlayStation (2000)

Beat the game as Mint
Threads of Fate
PlayStation (2000)

Get the Epilogue ending
Threads of Fate
PlayStation (2000)

Beat Castle of Illusion (Saturn or Genesis)
Sega Ages I Love Mickey Mouse / I Love Donald Duck
Saturn (1998)

Beat Quackshot (Saturn or Genesis)
Sega Ages I Love Mickey Mouse / I Love Donald Duck
Saturn (1998)

Beat both games on the Sega Saturn
Sega Ages I Love Mickey Mouse / I Love Donald Duck
Saturn (1998)

Beat Disc 1
Deep Fear
Saturn (1998)

Clear the Game
Deep Fear
Saturn (1998)

Do Not Die
Deep Fear
Saturn (1998)

Beat Episode 1
SNES (1995)

Beat the game
PC-DOS (1991)

Beat the game and rescue all survivors
PC-DOS (1991)

Beat the game
NES (1992)

Protect all four Artifacts and complete the Staff of Ra
NES (1992)

Beat the game
Resident Evil: Dead Aim
PlayStation 2 (2003)

Beat the game using a GunCon or a USB mouse
Resident Evil: Dead Aim
PlayStation 2 (2003)

Beat the game (Story mode)
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
GCN/PS2/XBOX (2005)

Earn all Bronze Medals (or better) in all 3 Arcade Leagues
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
GCN/PS2/XBOX (2005)

Earn all Bronze Medals (or better) in all Challenges
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
GCN/PS2/XBOX (2005)

Beat the Story on Normal
The Typing of the Dead
Dreamcast/PC (2000)

Beat the Story on Very Hard
The Typing of the Dead
Dreamcast/PC (2000)

Beat the game
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
Game Boy (1992)

Finish every level, including secrets (31 on the save screen)
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
Game Boy (1992)

SECRET TROPHY: Hack the Planet
wrote a Python script to powerup IZGC admin
IZGC (2022)

Beat the game on Normal
Wario Land 4
Game Boy Advance (2001)

Beat the game on Hard
Wario Land 4
Game Boy Advance (2001)

Collect all 16 CDs (aside from Karaoke)
Wario Land 4
Game Boy Advance (2001)

Beat the game
Dragon Quest
NES/Famicom (1986)

Find Erdrick's Armor, Erdrick's Sword, and the Silver Shield
Dragon Quest
NES/Famicom (1986)

Accept the Dragonlord's offer
Dragon Quest
NES/Famicom (1986)

Rescue Princess Gwaelin
Dragon Quest
NES/Famicom (1986)

Beat the game on Normal
Virtual Boy Wario Land
Virtual Boy (1995)

Beat the game
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime
Nintendo DS (2005)

Rescue 50 slimes
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime
Nintendo DS (2005)

Collect all 20 bronze monster statues
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime
Nintendo DS (2005)

Defeat Slival once and for all
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime
Nintendo DS (2005)

Beat Tank Masters Ultimate Rank
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime
Nintendo DS (2005)

Earn a previously-unearned trophy during Impmas (PLATINUM)
18 Days of Impmas
IZGC 2022

Beat any game of your choice - Doom (PC)
18 Days of Impmas
IZGC 2022

Beat a second game of your choice - Metroid II: Return of Samus (Game Boy)
18 Days of Impmas
IZGC 2022

Beat a third game of your choice - AM2R
18 Days of Impmas
IZGC 2022

Beat the game
Super Mario Bros. 3
NES (1990)

Beat the game without using any Warps
Super Mario Bros. 3
NES (1990)

Win all 3 Leagues
SNES (1991)

Get the IZGC's fastest finish time in Mute City I (PLATINUM) - 2:00:15
SNES (1991)

Beat the game
Super Mario World
SNES (1991)

Bring Autumn to Dinosaur Land
Super Mario World
SNES (1991)

Beat the game
Kirby's Adventure
NES (1993)

Beat the game on Normal
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
SNES (1992)

Clear all 3 Time Trials
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
SNES (1992)

Get the IZGC's fastest total time in all Time Trials (PLATINUM) - 1:55:83 (WORLD RECORD)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
SNES (1992)

Beat the game
Super Metroid
SNES (1994)

Get the best ending
Super Metroid
SNES (1994)

SECRET TROPHY: Imp Zone Champion
Break a world record(!) (Turtles in Time - Time Trial)
IZGC (2022)